Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pco Diet in Questions

5or6 dys after ovulation having pain in the lower right side of the abdomen most when i do walk or work? actually i was suppose to do iui this month but on day 16 when i went dr told i had already ovualted and asked us to try at home and do pregnancy test after three weeks hoping for the best as we r try for the past nine years had 3 miscarriages have pco and type 2 diabetic on diet only

rm194906 replied: "do some exercises to use those mucles such as crunches on the right side"

Just_One_Man's_Opinion replied: "I'd LOVE to help you out with an answer, but frankly I don't understand the question! While you have rambled too much. Slow down and spell out your question."

Jenny replied: "sounds like the cyst that forms after ovulation. this is normal, i had that with both pregnancies. interestingly enough the doc said my first child came from my right ovary. my second child came from my left ovary. he knew from the ultrasound because i had cysts on the specific ovary. i think its called a blastocyst but dont quote me on that."

Hi I have Pco? Hi I have Pco and trying to get pregnant I am taking metformin 1500 Mg/day. Dr suggested me to stay on Low carb diet. Is it ok to have 4 tortillas (The one we get in Traders Joe) per day. and rice twice a week? Can anyone advice me.

cindy loo replied: "if u r on a low carb diet then these foods are niot exceptable. no white sugar or white flour"

drruth replied: "He is probably telling you to go on a low carb diet because eating carbs might make you sick with an upset stomach. If you can eat them and not go straight to the bathroom, then go for it!"

S_o_S replied: "stay on low carb (around 6-9 servings per day). Also try to avoid 'white Carb' - white carb meaning white tortilla, white rice etc. you should be able to have atleast 6 wheat tortillas per day (depending on the serving size)"

pcos...diet...kids?? in 2005 i was dx w/pco(polycystic ovarian syndrome) since my dx ive gain lots of weight and have maybe had 3 periods in the last 2 years. haven't been taked the best care of myself and it's gotten to the point where i want to lose weight and get healthy and eventually have kid(is that possible?) what do i need to do i know women who have pcos have a hard time losing weight

Simply Lisa replied: "WE do have a hard time losing weight but its all mind set! Walk for 30 mins every three days make sure though that you stick with it and not get lazy! I was diagnosed with PCOS a month and a half ago and my younger sister was diagnosed about two weeks ago. You can have kids, its just harder for us because we have to get help. For instance my sister and her husband are trying for kids and she is on Chlomed which is a medicine to help you ovulate. She just started on the drug and is in the process. But yes we can have kids. Losing weight agai is the difficult part..its more so watching what you are eating and how much you eat. I think that 5 to 6 small meals a day is better than 3 big meals...and anyone will agree with me. Because we have PCOS its harder for us to do a lot of things but I think that if you really put your mind to it, it can happen! Since I have been diagnosed I have lost 10 pounds and that was from cutting out a lot of eating out, and sweets from drinks to things I eat. I drink more than 8 glasses of water a d, I walk 3 times a week or more if I can for 30 to 45 minutes..and starting next week me and my sister are going to work out together at the gym at her job. Remember that its what we eat and how we are in our enviornments that effect our PCOS! Good Luck!"

Bubbly replied: "ok i would go to or follow this link because there are many different sites entilteled soul cyseters >

they have chaty, forums, and many supports for losing weight and trying to concieve P.S. if you do register for this site please follow this link here you would not believe how much trouble you save yourself lmao >

i hope i have helped i know its hard you can do it!!"

How can I stop eating? I tried all kinds of diets... none of them work...I am starving all the time...even right after lunch.
I have PCO s and take Metformin. I heard after taking it I will lose appetite and consequently weight but none happened. I am kinda depressed cause I gain weight even I try not to and I hate it

nygiantsfan replied: "be hard on urself and cut back."

jen415 replied: "JUST STOP....dont eat. when you want to go mindlessly eat , instead clean something, go out, get online and yell at people on Yahoo ANswers hehehe

thats what I am doing right now--you have no idea how hungry I was an hour ago, or I thought I was hungry

PS the most filling thing that has like no calories (50) and no fat is a Banana--serious! I ate one banana when I got hungry at dinner time and then hoped on the computer and completely skipped dinner. Most fruit or veggies are NOT filling but a banana totally is. ANd if you want dessert just grill the banana on the stove with a little brown sugar....mmmmm"

sasuke uchiha replied: "Be busy to something NOT RELATED TO FOOD!"

pcos suffers plz help me? im suffering from pco is there any specific diet to be followed . my weight is 53kgs with height 5.1inches. plz help me out with the diet n any treatment to reduce that.

Vanessa R replied: "Sweet heart really nothing to suggest for pica. Normally people that suffer from it prefer to eat anything from chalk, dirt, or ice. The ice chips might help but won't help if your hungry. I suggest you go to see a doctor they can help. A little bit of fresh soil from deep below won't hurt. If you do take that route dig really deep in the ground to get the freshest soil and only consume a very small amount. Top soil is the filthiest, a little won't hurt but make sure you get help. You might not make it to long, with that diet. You can become malnourished."

Vate replied: "Homeopathy has guranteed cure for this. consult a good hoemoapth of your area. You can write to for opinion."

Hypothyroid and weightloss? I am looking for ways to help increase my chances of losing some weight when i have PCO and Hypothyroid. Any ideas would be appreciated. I know about the low carb, high protein eating. Excercising 30 minutes (atleast a day). Would love some ideas for speeding up metabolism and some low carb recipes and stuff like that as well as if there are any diet pills or anything out there that can be taken with hypothyroid.

Jody replied: "You are doing it all right. Since your metabolism is slower because of hypothyroidism, exercise will help speed it up. The thing that has helped me the most is an appetite suppressant. It keeps my blood sugar more stable so I'm not starving all the time. It has really helped. I've lose several lbs more than I was before I started."

DNA replied: "Are you on Metformin ER for the PCOS? Many times its the high insulin levels that can make weight loss difficult. I am both hypothyroid and have PCOS with insulin resistance. I got the thyrid stuff right, but I still couldn't lose weight. I found out it had to do with elevated insulin levels. Once on Metformin ER I was able to lose a little weight with diet and exercise.

As far as diet, yes reduced carb is good. Also increase fiber. Fiber will make you feel fuller and get things passing through the digestive tract a little faster. Plus fiber helps with constipation, which many who are hypothyroid have.

Below is a link for a diet and exercise thyroid forum."

how can u help me where my gynic confirmed me that am having PCOS?? am a married women of 25 age with 70kg and 5.2 inch height.my consultation with my gynic dr resulted that i am having PCOS.she told that only after getting pcos treated will result me to get pregnant.

but as i am having regular mensustral cycles(28-29 days),and my body is ovaluting (shows signs of ovultions-ie disposal of cervic mucas on 12 th day,abdominal cramp on the same day...etc) my cholestrol and sugar levels are normal.

my doctor after scanning she told that my body is not ovaluting and i am having PCOS too.i hav to do strict exercise and diet too.she also confirmed that even after strict exercise and diet its possible for me to lose only a half kg a month.

then i started a carbo diet of taking cornflakes with low fat milk as breakfast and dinner,for luch i would take only 2 small chappathis(made of wheat flour without adding oil) ,a long walk of around 6-7kms or sometimes an exercise on orbitrack for 30min daily.

now after a month i lost 20kgs.as my doctor told that i can lose till half kg a month,thn
how i lost 2kgs??
i wanna to confirm that actually am having PCOS
my body is overweight,but am having regular cycles and having symtoms of ovalution too.....thn how can i be a PCO?????

is there any pcos like this toooo>??
can u advise me or help me

starlight starbright replied: "Hi, what you are doing for your exercise is great! I wish I would do that much. I have PCOS and yes it is possible to be able to lose weight normally for some women with PCOS, however it is more difficult to keep the weight off and stay on the diet and exercise regime.

It sounds like you are ovulating, but it is still possible to have a regular period every month with no ovulation.
So if you want to know for certain if you're ovulating, you can start recording your temperatures. Buy a digital thermometer, and use and every morning when you wake up, before you drink anything or get up, take your temperature and record it on the graph.
The graph will tell you if you ovulate or not. Then you can take the graph and show it to your doctor.

Good luck."

Face T replied: "What you can do is ask doctor for glucophage (metformin). That is just as effective as diet/exercise and will help you ovulate. Women with PCOS do still ovulate - just not as often. So you are right that you are ovulating but doctor is also right in saying that you are not ovulating every cycle. You should continue to try to conceive each cycle.

My wife conceived twice with metformin and once naturally. She has PCOS.

Good luck"

help me out with my prob plzzz!!!!? i have PCO prob for abt 5yrs now(i know its a long time)but am not gettin cured. Presently am in ayurvedic medication............i wanna get cured faster so are der any exercises or diet for this?
iam also suffering frm depression.........i dont why but suddenly i feel depressed n lonely even though i have many plp around who loves me..........my mood swings very often,very short tempered...........i dont know how shld i deal with it......
Plzz help me

letterstoheather replied: "your best bet is to talk with your doctor. and take it from there.

i wish you well."

kay replied: "I'm not sure I understand your question fully, but I would see a doctor about it if you can. They can give you advice better than any of us can."

I need an answer. I am frustrated and tired of doctors not having an answer for me.? Ok, I am 5'5 and weigh 158 and I am 33. I wear a size 10/12 pant. I eat healthy (no fatty foods) and 3-4 times a day. I go to the gym an vigorously exercise 3-4 times a week for at least an hour a session. My issue. I keep gaining weight! NO it is not all muscle because I have gone UP two pants sizes in 3 months. My prime weight is 138 (I also have a large bust and medium size frame) so I am not terribly overweight but enough to where I am so frustrated. So this week I have been terribly busy and unable to go to the gym. I have put on 2.5 pounds in 4 days! My dr. has checked my thyroid and it is fine. I have mildly high cholesterol (hereditary and no need for meds at this point), and low vitamin D (I take a supplement for that). I am also on birth control for PCO. I also have 2 other multivitamins that I take. What is wrong with me! Dr's just tell me I don't know. Maybe you need to change your diet, I tried that. Didn't work. Why am I gaining weight? Help please.
I have been on the same birth control for 3 years. This has only been an issue for me for the last year. Also 5 years ago I lost about 70 pounds. I managed to keep all of that off for 3 years and now in the past year it is piling back on.

Wuviewoo replied: "This might be a cause but some birth control can cause weight gain"

iknowalicecooper replied: "I googled "unexplained weight gain".

wilsonvgrant replied: "I am no doctor, but my sister just had a baby 3 months ago, and now she is taking some type of birth control, and she told me every since she's been taking that she has gained 2 pants sizes. So I'm thinking it could be the birth control."

Megan! replied: "my guess would be hormones. :\
i suggest slimquick. it seems to work
for older women who diet and exercise.
since our bodies have to be able to
have and carry children we hold on to
fat more."

EROS7776 replied: "Well, we need to go back to the old calorie thing, 3500 less either in portions of food or in exercise will result in one pound weight loss. Maybe it is your portions of food are too large in your meals because it sounds like you are definitely doing everything else right. Try tracking your calories, watch the portion sizes, and see how many you are eating a day. You could journal this information and then try cutting those wherever possible to lose the weight. Watch empty calories from sugary drinks or alcohol use because these will add weight and sneak up on you.

good luck.."

Lisa M replied: "Regardless if youve been on birthcontrol for 3 yrs. it still messes with your hormones and can cause weight gain. Plus yours 33 yrs olds. when you get older your body handles weight differently then when you were in your 20 's."

Help on loosing weight? right, two weeks ago, i was 13.3 stone, now im down to 12! :) im so happy with myself
but i need to get down to 9/9 1/2 but i know this isnt realistic in like a month, so i need a good plan. i'm 14, so gym isnt really very good. but any good quick meals, i've cut out all junk food, as i've also realised when i dont eat takeaway for a while and then i do one night, i come out the next couple of days in spots and tummy ache! so i'm changing for the good, this is also quite hard as i have pco, polycystic ovaries, and it is very easy to put weight on but not loose it.
so any good diets?
simple exercises that i can start and slowly build up on?
and anybody in my position!
2009, slimmer & much happier me.
if anybody is doing this too it would be great to talk to you and help eachother along if you want leave me a email or something! :) x

Senor-Pain replied: "A positive attitude is always necessary. The other advice I can give is, described in one word; plateaus. If you will have months where you seem to lose a lot and then barely all the next month. That is completely normal. You will never consistently lose weight. Be dedicated to what you are doing and you will like the results."

Heddie T replied: "Targetted weight reduction is quite difficult, many people would declare impossible, however I worked off 2 inches from my waistline by following the guidance on the web resource in the box below. Give it a try, their information is very sensible!"

ny replied: "When you are losing weight, you should exercise and diet together.
If you exercise without dieting, you will get bigger appetite, which
will lead to increase of weight, or muscle grow
underneath the fat layer, and make you bulkier. If you diet without
exercising, you will become flabby and will have excess skin. For
diet, go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food
after 7 p.m. People achieve marvellous results with it. Depending on
your initial weight, you can drop upwards from 20 pounds a month. If
you don't eat wheat then you don't eat all those sticky, fatty goey
cakes, you don't eat junk food, and you don't eat biscuits. But your
diet is still balanced. It costs nothing, and you do not have to
calculate points or to buy special meals or plans. For exercising,
start with walking, and then switch to running/jogging. Running is the
most efficient and calorie-burn exercise ever. If you are overweight a
lot, walk first or you may have health complications (heart attack,
disjointed bones and so on). Weight lifting is a good means to target
your problem areas for men and women. It's not necessarily to become a
bodybuilder or even join a gym - a couple of dumbbells will help you
to target your problem areas (stomach, butt, legs, arms, chest)."

wednesday_kid1 replied: "Okay, i see whats the problem, anyways, here is the plan
If you don't like running....try jump rope it burns fat and a lot of calories
20 mins a day before you do anything in the morning -eat brush w/e-

Drink a cup of green tea before you go running or any kind of exercise is a great way to burn a lot of fat and calories

Oatmeal, high in fiber products, cereal with fiber, veggies - you must love them- chicken and other lean meats will do, no red meat..
Tuna, fish, any kind of fish is good for you

if you need anything else let me know"

Tracy replied: "try acomplia 20mg its safe and gives fast results i have lose 20 pounds ith it . may be that can help you ."

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